vision rx 20 of simple herpes simplex infection may include:

Simple Herpes Eye Infections are caused by Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 ( HSV-1) , which can also cause a fist-like rash on the face, lip, or face.

Symptoms of simple herpes simplex infection may include:

Redness of eyes
Swelling around the eye, or swelling (inflammation) and pain
Blurred vision
However, in some people simple herpes simplex infection without any noticeable symptoms.

Simple herpes eye infection is quite common and mostly affects middle-aged people. In the United Kingdom, it has 1-2 out of every 1,000 people.


When should a sister go to a doctor?

When symptoms of herpes simplex infection occur, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible. Inattention to infection can cause permanent damage to the eyes (see complications).

Your doctor will examine your symptoms and check your eyes for other pathologies.

Yellow paint (fluorescent paint) may be applied to the eye for better visualization of irregular areas or damage. Additionally, it is also possible to test your eyes with a special board.

Eye specialist

If your doctor suspects a simple herpes infection, he or she will refer you to an eye specialist (ophthalmologist) to make an appointment as soon as possible.

This is due to the fact that it is very difficult to diagnose a simple herpes simplex infection without special knowledge and diagnostic tools. If ignored, the infection can cause permanent damage to the eyes.

Causes of simple herpes simplex infection

The first type of herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) that causes simple herpes virus infection (HSV-1) can also cause a rash on the face or around the mouth.

The second type of herpes simplex virus (Herpes simplex virus type 2 - HSV-2) usually causes genital herpes  and rarely causes eye infections.

This virus is present in almost every person in childhood. The first episode of infection is called primary infection and it is asymptomatic. The virus remains inactivated in the roots of the facial nerve.

Causes of simple herpes simplex infection

The virus can be reactivated spontaneously or by specific triggering factors. These factors include:

  1. Another illness
  2. Exposure to strong sunlight
  3. Fever (38 ° C or higher)
  4. (In women) menstrual cycle
  5. Stress .

Simple herpes eye infections, or similar rashes, can be regularly provoked by a weakened immune system - for example, when treated with AIDS or chemotherapy.

Treatment of simple herpes simplex infection

Treatment of herpes simplex virus infection depends on the severity of the infection and the damaged part of the eye.

Most patients with mild infection will recover without treatment for several weeks. They may be advised to go on regular visits to make sure that the infection really does catch up.


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