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- How does a viral eye disease develop?
Viral eye disease usually begins in the pieces of the eyeand then passes to the other. Herpesvirus often affects the cornea (outline keratitis), color membrane, vascular tract (abnormal tract).

How to treat viral eye disease?

We should start treatment with both general and local medicines. The first group includes interferon inducers, T-cell immunity stimulants, and antivirals. 

The virus permanently resides and multiplies in the host cells, so it is important to use a drug that selectively only affects the virus during treatment.For this purpose, it is advisable to use local immunomodulators: poludan, interferon, zovirax ointment, virgin jelly, actipol drops. If the process goes too far, corticosteroids are prescribed or, as you mentioned, curative keratoplasty.

What does viral eye disease prevention mean?

Prevention - prevention of viral disease of the eye involves, first of all, virological examination 1-2 years, in addition, it is advisable to avoid prolonged tanning, which can often be in the fresh air, not to forget the exercise and proper nutrition. During the epidemic of influenza, adenovirus and other infections, we will strictly adhere to the rules of hygiene.

National Center for Ophthalmology

The National Center for Ophthalmology at New Hospitals has a 127-year tradition of treating eye diseases. The center is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and is a leader in the field of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases. The latest generation of equipment at the hospital provides accurate and rapid diagnostic and surgical services. The ultramodern technologies available to us make eye settings possible. A flawless digital image of the eye is obtained to determine the optimal treatment for each patient.

The National Center for Ophthalmology has the full range of ophthalmology services available and is the only one in the Transcaucasia recognized by Karl Tsais and the German Regional Development Council for Transcaucasian Regional Refractive Surgery. The center is staffed by the best ophthalmologists and surgeons and is constantly developing innovative methods for the treatment of diseases. We care for the well-being of patients, offer them the highest quality innovative services, and thanks to our professional ophthalmologists, thousands of people have already improved their eyesight.


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