How to treat viral eye disease vision Rx20?

vision Rx20 If the viral process lasted more than 3-4 weeks, we may have corneal damage and may require surgical intervention - curative keratoplasty. Corneal swelling may also occur when corneal transplantation is required. If we do not treat viral diseases of the eye in a timely manner, we may have a dismal result - blindness.

- What does a person complain about at this time, what does it mean for viral eye disease?
- Patients with eye viruses suffer from: fear of light, tears, feeling of a foreign body, if the process is far away - eye pain (iridocyclitis vision Rx20), as well as - decreased vision, blurring of vision, enlargement of the jaws, temperature.

vision Rx20 How does a viral eye disease develop?

- Viral eye disease usually begins in the pieces of the eye and then passes to the other. Herpesvirus often affects the cornea (outline keratitis), color membrane, vascular tract (abnormal tract).

How to treat viral eye disease vision Rx20?

- We should start treatment with both general and local medicines. The first group includes interferon inducers, T-cell immunity stimulants, and antivirals. vision Rx20 The virus permanently resides and multiplies in the host cells, so it is important to use a drug that selectively only affects the virus during treatment.For this purpose, it is advisable to use local immunomodulators: poludan, interferon, zovirax ointment, virgin jelly, actipol drops. If the process goes too far, corticosteroids are prescribed or, as you mentioned, curative keratoplasty.


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